Call us at (765) 471-1100

Opiate Addiction Treatment in Lafayette IN

dr. merwin smiling

Buprenorphine/Naloxone (Suboxone, Zubsolv, Bunavail) is a fantastic medication for immediately taking an opiate addicted patient out of withdrawal and helps by controlling cravings. Buprenorphine does not provide a high to someone with a tolerance to opiates no matter how much is taken. Buprenorphine also blocks the euphoria from other opiates. As long as the person is taking buprenorphine for opiate addiction they can no longer abuse other opiates. It is because of these facts that buprenorphine is far superior to methadone as a treatment to address addiction to street opiates

Even so, our legislators, in all their wisdom, have limited the number of patients most doctors may treat with buprenorphine to 100. This, of course, leaves thousands of addicts to fend for themselves in the streets. Many die of opiate overdoses waiting for a spot to open in a treatment program.

Inpatient detox from opiates costs tens of thousands of dollars. When released from such a program, 95% will relapse without medication and counseling to help increase their chances for positive change.

We have adapted to this inane situation in our clinic by offering affordable outpatient treatment.

If you are ready to try to get clean and stay clean; we have an economical option.

Your first step would be to call for an appointment as a new patient. Your first visit will last an hour, costs $250, and requires you to fill out several forms prior to the visit. Before we allow you to even make an appointment, you will have a phone conversation with one of our staff to make sure you understand what is involved.

Exactly how you are managed depends on your situation. Since there are so many different variations, it would be impractical to go into much detail here. However, I can say we will customize our treatment to your particular needs. We can give you an idea of this in the phone conversation mentioned in the previous paragraph.

After the first visit ($250), the cost of outpatient detox is $200 per month. This may take a few months.

Once you are stable on Suboxone, Vivitrol or Naltrexone, the monthly cost drops to $160 per month. This fee covers the cost of medical management as well as counseling.

Our counselors are licensed in mental health and/ or addictions counseling and have a combined experience of over 60 years.

If you are ready for us to help you or have questions, call 765-637-0630.

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  • 8:30 AM - 5 PM
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  • 8:30 AM - 5 PM
  • 8:30 AM - 5 PM
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