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I have had a lot of success with PMS, probably because of treating underlying causes.

  1. Vitamins and Minerals There are certain nutritional deficiencies, especially B6 and magnesium that contribute to PMS. It may take several months of daily therapeutic doses to rebuild your depleted stores. A silly, tiny one a day type simply does not have enough room for the therapeutic doses needed. I recommend a 6 capsule per day formula called Women’s Essentials. This is available at the clinic for $24.00 a month, which is a bargain for these doses. A less expensive option would be our multi-4 ($18/month) along with a cheapie one-a-day with iron.
  2. Progesterone starts to decline in the 30’s which contributes heavily to PMS. Natural progesterone cream can be obtained without prescription at your health food store in very low (usually useless) doses. You can obtain the same pure natural progesterone cream in a tremendously higher strength, which is far more economical at the clinic. Many times the cream is not potent enough and a pill form of progesterone needs to be used. A pure natural pill form of progesterone is available at the clinic as well. For PMS the progesterone is usually used only during the last half of the menstrual cycle, however some women feel so much better on it that they take it the entire month.
  3. Iodine Another contributing factor is iodine deficiency. Replacing this appropriately eliminates ovarian cysts and fibrocystic breast disease as well. SSKI is a potent liquid form of iodine for cheaply front loading your system ($12/bottle). 6-8 drops per day until the bottle is gone would do the trick. Iodoral in pill form may help over a period of months and is very good for you in many other ways. Iodoral is available at our clinic and through Complementary Prescriptions. The same dose of iodine found in iodoral is included in our multi formulas and in our immune formula.
  4. Omega 3 Oils One contributing cause of PMS and many other health problems is a lack of Omega 3 oils in our diet. Taking a good dose of this for a few months may improve PMS and is fantastic for our health anyway. The most powerful/ economical way to do this is to take 4 DHA/EPA per day. This inexpensive powerful product is only available at the clinic.
  5. Increasing serotonin levels can be beneficial in many ways. Serafem is a drug that is FDA approved to treat PMS and works by increasing serotonin levels. There are several other drugs that increase serotonin by decreasing its destruction, shifting it from one area to another in the brain. We can increase serotonin sometimes by taking the natural precursor along with the appropriate cofactors. You may read further under Serotonin in the next section.

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